Selected Publications

Field and laboratory evaluation of a high time resolution x-ray fluorescence instrument for determining the elemental composition of ambient aerosols.
Tremper, A. H., Font, A., Priestman, M., Hamad, S. H., Chung, T. C., Pribadi, A., … & Green, D. C. (2018). Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, 11(6), 3541-3557.

Environmental Technology Verification Report.
Battelle (2012). EPA

Elemental composition of ambient aerosols measured with high temporal resolution using an online XRF spectrometer.
Furger, M., Minguillón, M. C., Yadav, V., Slowik, J. G., Hüglin, C., Fröhlich, R., … & Prévôt, A. S. (2017). Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, 10(6), 2061-2076.

Field evaluation of a near–real time elemental monitor and identification of element sources observed at an air monitoring supersite in Korea.
Park, S. S., Cho, S. Y., Jo, M. R., Gong, B. J., Park, J. S., & Lee, S. J. (2014). Atmospheric Pollution Research, 5(1), 119-128.

PM 2.5 water-soluble elements in the southeastern United States: automated analytical method development, spatiotemporal distributions, source apportionment, and implications for heath studies.
Fang, T., Guo, H., Verma, V., Peltier, R. E., & Weber, R. J. (2015). Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 15(20), 11667-11682.

Source apportionment of urban particulate matter using hourly resolved trace metals, organics, and inorganic aerosol components.
Jeong, C. H., Wang, J. M., & Evans, G. J. (2016). Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics Discussions, 1-32.

Advanced receptor modeling of near–real–time, ambient PM2. 5 and its associated components collected at an urban–industrial site in Toronto, Ontario.
Sofowote, U. M., Rastogi, A. K., Debosz, J., & Hopke, P. K. (2014). Atmospheric Pollution Research, 5(1), 13-23.

Ground-based characterization of aerosol spectral optical properties of haze and Asian dust episodes under Asian continental outflow during winter 2014.
Jung, J., Yu, J., Lyu, Y., Lee, M., Hwang, T., & Lee, S. (2017). Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 17(8), 5297-5309.

More Publications by Year

11/1/20IndiaPaperScience of The Total EnvironmentSA/MonitoringReal-time measurement and source apportionment of elements in Delhi's atmosphereClick Here
9/1/20ChinaPaperAtmospheric ResearchMonitoring and Source ApportionmentNocturnal PM2.5 explosive growth dominates severe haze in the rural North China PlainClick Here
7/1/20ChinaPaperAtmospheric EnvironmentMonitoring and Source ApportionmentEvolution of source contributions during heavy fine particulate matter (PM2.5) pollution episodes in eastern China through online measurementsClick Here
6/1/20ChinaPaperChina Environmenatal ScienceComparisonComparison of results of different particle source analysis methods during APEC in BeijingClick Here
5/1/20ChinaPaperJournal of Environmental SciencesSource ApportionmentPollution levels, composition characteristics and sources of atmospheric PM2.5 in a rural area of the North China Plain during winterClick Here
5/1/20IndiaPaperEnvironmental Science & TechnologySA/MonitoringReal-Time Measurements of PM2.5 Oxidative Potential using Dithiothreitol (DTT) Assay in Delhi, IndiaClick Here
4/1/20United StatesPaperAtmospheric Environment Volume 6Source ApportionmentAssessment of particulate toxic metals at an Environmental Justice communityClick Here
3/1/20ChinaPaperEcotoxicology and Environmental SafteyHealthAssociations between fine particulate matter constituents and daily cardiovascular mortality in Shanghai, ChinaClick Here
3/1/20ChinaPaperChemosphereComposition and Source ApportionmentInvestigating the characteristics and source analyses of PM2.5 seasonal variations in Chengdu, Southwest ChinaClick Here
2/1/20ChinaPaperAtmospheric Environment Volume 222SA/MonitoringIn situ continuous observation of hourly elements in PM2. 5 in urban beijing, China: Occurrence levels, temporal variation, potential source regions and health risksClick Here
2/1/20ChinaPaperJournal of Environmental SciencesCompositionObservation of chemical components of PM2.5 and secondary inorganic aerosol formation during haze and sandy haze days in Zhengzhou, ChinaClick Here
2/1/20SwitzerlandPaperAtmospheric Chemistry and PhysicsSource ApportionmentSource apportionment of highly time-resolved elements during a firework episode from a rural freeway site in SwitzerlandClick Here
1/1/20SwitzerlandPaperAtomoshperic Environment: Volume 5DevelopmentAutomated alternating sampling of PM10 and PM2.5 with an online XRF spectrometerClick Here
12/1/19CanadaPaperAtmospheric EnvironmentHealthMedical air in healthcare institutions: A chemical and biological studyClick Here
12/1/19ChinaPaperScience of the Total Environment, Volume 615HealthParticulate air pollution and ischemic stroke hospitalization: How the associations vary by constituents in Shanghai, ChinaClick Here
11/1/19CanadaPaperScience of the Total EnvironmentIndoor vs Outdoor CompIndoor measurements of air pollutants in residential houses in urban and suburban areas: Indoor versus ambient concentrationsClick Here
11/1/19ChinaPaperAtmospheric Pollution Research Volume 10ComparisonComparison of water-soluble inorganic ions and trace metals in PM2. 5 between online and offline measurements in Beijing during winterClick Here
10/1/19ChinaPaperJournal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres Volume 124, Issue 21Source ApportionmentCharacteristics and Sources of Hourly Trace Elements in Airborne Fine Particles in Urban Beijing, ChinaClick Here
8/1/19ChinaPaperEnvironmental PollutionSource ApportionmentCharacteristics and formation mechanism of persistent extreme haze pollution events in Chengdu, southwestern ChinaClick Here
7/1/19ItalyPaperAtmoshpheric Environment Volume 3Source ApportionmentSource apportionment of fine PM by combining high time resolution organic and inorganic chemical composition datasetsClick Here
5/1/19ChinaPaperAtmosphere Chemistry and PhysicsSource ApportionmentCharacteristics of atmospheric mercury in East China: implication on sources and formation of mercury species over a regional transport intersection zoneClick Here
4/1/19ChinaPaperScience of the Total EnvironmentCompositionInsight into the formation of secondary inorganic aerosol based on high-time-resolution data during haze episodes and snowfall periods in Zhengzhou, ChinaClick Here
3/1/19ChinaPaperJournal of Environmental ScienceSource ApportionmentAnalysis of the characteristics and sources of PM 2.5 chemical components in Taiyuan City in winterClick Here
2/1/19CanadaPaperAtmospheric Environment Volume 198CompositionTemporal and spatial variability of traffic-related PM2.5 sources: Comparison of exhaust and non-exhaust emissionsClick Here
1/1/19CanadaPaperAtmospheric Environment Volume 1Source ApportionmentHeavy metals in the near-road environment: Results of semi-continuous monitoring of ambient particulate matter in the greater Toronto and Hamilton areaClick Here
1/1/19ChinaPaperEcology and Environmental SciencesAnalysisOn-line measurement and source characteristics of metals in PM2.5 urban ShenzhenClick Here
1/1/19CanadaReportSouthern Ontario for Atmospheric Aerosol ReseachComparison (instrument)Near-Road Air Pollution Pilot StudyClick Here
12/1/18United StatesPaperThe SAO/NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)Source ApportionmentSource characterization and temporal variation of ambient metals and elements: results from a year-long monitoring with a near-real time multi-metals monitor in an industrial area of the Los Angeles BasinClick Here
9/1/18ChinaPaperAerosol and Air Quality ResearchSource ApportionmentPotassium: A Tracer for Biomass Burning in Beijing?Click Here
7/1/18ChinaPaperScience of the Total Environment Volumn 628-629Source ApportionmentCharacterization and source identification of fine particulate matter in urban Beijing during the 2015 Spring FestivalClick Here
7/1/18ChinaPaperChina Environmental ScienceSource ApportionmentCause Analysis of Two Typical Heavy Air Pollution Processes in Zhengzhou CityClick Here
6/1/18ChinaPaperEnvironmental Geochemistry and HealthPollutantCharacterizing the composition and evolution of firework-related components in air aerosols during the Spring FestivalClick Here
6/1/18TaiwanPaperInternational Journal of Environmental Reseach and Public HealthSource ApportionmentApplication of Positive Matrix Factorization in the Identification of the Sources of PM2.5 in Taipei CityClick Here
4/1/18ChinaPaperJournal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres Volume 123, Issue 10Source ApportionmentSource Apportionment of PM2.5 Using Hourly Measurements of Elemental Tracers and Major Constituents in an Urban Environment: Investigation of Time‐Resolution InfluencClick Here
3/1/18ChinaPaperScience of the Total Environment, Volume 618Source ApportionmentSource apportionment of black carbon during winter in BeijingClick Here
3/1/18ChinaPaperAtmospheric Chemistry and PhysicsSource ApportionmentA Preliminary Assessment of the Impacts of 2 Multiple Temporal-scale Variations in Particulate 3 Matter on its Source ApportionmentClick Here
1/1/18CanadaPaperAtmoshpheric Environment Volume 173Comparison (site)Understanding the PM2.5 imbalance between a far and near-road location: Results of high temporal frequency source apportionment and parameterization of black carbonClick Here
12/1/17LondonPaperAtomoshperic Measurement Techniques/Kings CollegeComparisionField and laboratory evaluation of a high time resolution x-ray fluorescence instrument for determining the elemental composition of ambient aerosolsClick Here
11/1/17ChinaPaperEnvironmental Pollution, Volume 230Source ApportionmentCharacteristics and source apportionment of PM2.5 during persistent extreme haze events in Chengdu, southwest ChinaClick Here
7/1/17ChinaPaperEnvironmental Pollution, Volume 253Source ApportionmentPM2. 5 elements at an urban site in Yangtze River Delta, China: High time-resolved measurement and the application in source apportionmentClick Here
7/1/17ChinaPaperAerosol and Air Quality ResearchSource ApportionmentCharacteristics and source Analysis of trace Elements in PM2.5 in the Urban Atmosphere of Wuhan in SpringClick Here
6/1/17SwitzerlandPaperAtomoshperic Measurement TechniquesCompositiionElemental composition of ambient aerosols measured with high temporal resolution using an online XRF spectrometerClick Here
12/1/16ChinaPaperThe SAO/NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)Source ApportionmentSources and Depositions of Atmospheric Trace Metals in PM2.5 over East China Seas and Northwestern Pacific OceaClick Here
11/1/16United StatesPaperAtmospheric Environment Volume 144Chemical ComparisionDose-dependent intracellular reactive oxygen and nitrogen species (ROS/RNS) production from particulate matter exposure: comparison to oxidative potential and chemical compositionClick Here
9/1/16CanadaPaperAtmospheric EnvironmentMathematics and AnalysisBayesian estimation of airborne fugitive emissions using a Gaussian plume modelClick Here
8/1/16ChinaPaperAtmosphperic EnvironmentMonitoring and Source ApportionmentCharacteristics and sensitivity analysis of multiple-time-resolved source patterns of PM2.5 with real time data using Multilinear Engine 2Click Here
4/1/16CanadaPaperAtmospheric Chemistry and PhysicsSource ApportionmentSource Apportionment of Urban Particulate Matter using Hourly Resolved Trace Metals, Organics, and Inorganic Aerosol ComponentsClick Here
3/1/16ChinaPaperChinese Science BulletinComparisonOverview of the development and application of multi-time resolution source apportionment for particulate mattersClick Here
11/1/15EnglandPaperAir Quality, Atmosphere & HealthHealthEvaluation of health risk associated with fireworks activity at Central LondonClick Here
10/1/15ChinaPaperJournal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres Volume 123, Issue 11Source ApportionmentCharacteristic and Source Analysis of Metal Pollution in Autumn and Winter in Chongqing Area under HazeClick Here
10/1/15ChinaPaperScience of the Total Environment, Volume 542Source ApportionmentInsights into the chemical characterization and sources of PM2.5 in Beijing at a 1-h time resolutionClick Here
1/1/15CanadaDissertationUniverity of TorontoSource ApportionmentSources of Particulate Matter in the Athabasca Oil Sands Region: Investigation through a Comparison of Trace Metal Measurement TechniquesClick Here
11/1/14ChinaPaperChina National Knowledge InfustructerAnalysisAnalysis of metal element composition in PM_(2.5) in the main city of ChongqingClick Here
7/1/14United StatesPaperAtmosphere Chemistry and PhysicsSA/MonitoringReactive oxygen species associated with water-soluble PM2.5 in the southeastern United States: spatiotemporal trends and source apportionmentClick Here
6/1/13United StatesReportBay Area Quality Management DistrictComparisonReview of Current Air Monitoring Capabilities near Refineries in the San Francisco Bay AreaClick Here
5/1/12United StatesPresentationNational Air Quality Conference 2012MonitoringSemi-continuous metals monitoring in Ohio industrial communitiesClick Here
10/1/19Canada/USPaperPure and Applied GeophysicsSimultaneous Model Calibration and Source Inversion in Atmospheric Dispersion ModelsClick Here
9/1/16United StatesPaperScience of the Total EnvironmentDevelopment and evaluation of a novel monitor for online measurement of iron, manganese, and chromium in ambient particulate matter (PM)Click Here
4/1/15ItalyPaperX-Ray Spectrometry/ Volume 44, Issue 4Feasibility study of ED‐XRF analysis of atmospheric particulate matter samples collected with high time resolutionClick Here