Upcoming Conferences

Here are the conferences and events we plan to attend. Check the conference list and meet us!

“The Center for Aerosol Science and Technology (CAST) at the University of Miami hosts Annual Workshop on Aerosol Science and Technology in January. The purpose of this two-day workshop is to showcase aerosol research in South Florida and promote academic and industrial collaborative opportunities leading to greater scientific impacts and advancing aerosol science and technology research.”

“The AMTA/AWWA Membrane Technology Conference explores how the latest developments in membrane technology can enhance water reliability and quality. Each year the conference reveals new directions in water and wastewater treatment technologies, desalting and membrane bioreactor applications.”

“The Annual WateReuse Symposium is the premier conference on water recycling — attracting water professionals and water reuse practitioners globally for knowledge-sharing, networking, and collaboration. The event is planned in collaboration with The Water Research Foundation and will include engaging sessions on the latest reuse-related research projects.”

“EAC2023 aims to bring together scientists, engineers, researchers, companies, institutions, and users involved in science, technology, impact, measurements, and characterization of aerosols either coming from natural sources or having anthropogenic origin. Recent advances on atmospheric aerosols, indoor aerosols, health effects & medical devices, aerosol technology, instrumentation or basic aerosol processes form the main core of the conference topics.”

“AAAR’s vision as a premier scientific association is to provide scientific forums and publications in all aspects of aerosol research, to encompass the diverse technical disciplines utilizing aerosol technology, and to engender aerosol research and innovation of the highest quality. The Conference provides another opportunity to share the latest aerosol science and technology research, while networking and re-connecting with colleagues.”

“The established and highly regarded conference provides a practical forum for a wide range of water technology professionals to exchange the latest research and information.”